Komplett-Set Jellyfish Art Zylinder 3 Nano
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This is all about jellyfish keeping. We will show you how and with what you feed your jellyfish, how you produce, change and control your water, as well as how to maintain and clean your aquarium.
In this first guide we will show you how to choose the right jellyfish aquarium, how to set it up and fill it with jellyfish.
First of all you choose your desired complete set. This consists of a jellyfish aquarium, ear jellyfish, seawater, food and accessories. It is also possible to combine all products individually.
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Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation führen wir vorübergehend kein Zubehör mehr.
After your order you will receive your jellyfish aquarium, natural seawater, food and bacteria within 3 – 4 working days. This must now be set up and filled with water.
Attention: If you find any damage it is very important that you report it to us before the aquarium is filled with water. In this case please send us pictures of the damaged areas immediately.
In our complete sets there are two options each for your salt water.
Preparation time: Ready for use immediately
running-in time: 1 day (recommended)
The natural seawater is available in handy 10 litre canisters. The water is immediately ready for use and you can therefore fill it into the aquarium immediately after receipt.
preparation time: 1 day (salt water must stand for at least 20 h)
run-in period 3-4 weeks
If you make your own water, you should let the water run in the aquarium for about 3 – 4 weeks without jellyfish. In this way the desired bacteria are formed, which are necessary for the water quality and the survival of the jellyfish. See produce salt water
Pour in water:
Now you can fill your jellyfish aquarium with salt water.
It is important that the filter balls are completely under water. Not all filter balls have to be in the aquarium. Only to below the level of the water surface (varies depending on the aquarium and the shape of the filter chamber).
The following additions are included in every complete set, you should use them in both cases.
After preservation of the jellyfish, these jellyfish must be introduced into the aquarium gradually . These arrive in a polystyrene box packed in cardboard.
Here it must be ensured that someone is on site to receive the jellyfish.
When receiving the jellyfish it is important to open the package as soon as possible
and check the condition of the jellyfish. The jellyfish are safely packed in several fish transport bags. It is normal if the jellyfish do not pulsate much in the beginning. However, this changes after about a day as soon as they get used to the new water.
Attention: Should there be a problem, please contact us immediately by phone or mail.
Our jellyfish are better insulated in winter and are sent with warming pads. Nevertheless, in winter they should be left in the room for a few hours to slowly adapt to the room temperature before being placed in the aquarium.
Now you can start to insert the jellyfish.
congratulations, you have made it now. Your aquarium is standing and the jellyfish are already floating through the water.
If this guide has helped you, we would be happy to hear from you. Show us and your friends your new jellyfish aquarium on Facebook, Instagram or personally via e-mail.
All the information you need now about jellyfish keeping can be found in the following instructions.
Jellyfish feed mainly on plankton and salt crabs and catch them with their tentacles. Jellyfish should be fed once daily. They can also go without food for several days if they are fed a little more before and after.
The correct feed quantity always depends on how many jellyfish of which size live in a jellyfish aquarium. When the jellyfish have almost completely absorbed the food in about 15 minutes, the amount is correct. If after this time there was still too much food floating in the water or lying on the ground it was too much food. If the jellyfish had taken in everything earlier, there was too little food.
All 3 types of feed are suitable for daily use.
A very good jellyfish food are baby artemias (Baby Brine Shrimp), these
are in a water solution and can therefore be fed immediately. The artemias only need to be mixed/shaken well and can then be poured directly into the aquarium using the small spoon provided. Here it is especially important to pay attention to the expiry date and store the glass in the refrigerator. After about 2 weeks you should freeze the glass and feed it frozen from then on.
The best food for jellyfish is always live food (artemia breeding). You can buy them from a specialist dealer or grow them yourself. If you grow the artemia yourself you have to spend about 15 – 30 minutes every 2 days. However, it is healthiest and richest for the jellyfish. The artemia can be mixed with some water and then poured directly into the aquarium.
Frozen artemia are therefore another good option. These are long lasting and also very good food. These can be bought frozen in specialist shops or the self-bred artemies can be frozen. Here you just have to scrape or break off some of the frozen artemies and mix them in some water from the aquarium. Once it is liquid you can simply pour it into the aquarium.
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation führen wir vorübergehend kein Zubehör mehr.
The water quality is the most important criterion to keep jellyfish successfully in a jellyfish aquarium. If the water quality is right, jellyfish are even able to heal their own injuries and regenerate. If the jellyfish behave normally and look healthy it is not necessary to check the water quality. Jellyfish are normally the best indicator of good water quality.
Temperature: 17 – 24C°
Ammonia NH3: 0 – max. 2ppm
Nitrate NO3: 0 – 20 ppm (max. 70 ppm)
Nitrite NO2: 0 – max. 10 ppm
pH: 7.6 – 8.2
salt content: 30 – 35g/L
As the quality can change over time due to external influences, we recommend checking the water values regularly.
Should one of these values deviate, the corresponding values must be adjusted quickly.
You can check this value with the help of usual sea water tests (pH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia). For salinity there are special measuring instruments as in hydrometer or a refractometer and for temperature there are different thermometers.
In our shop there are 2 salt water options Natural sea water and there is the possibility to make your own salt water.
Preparation time: Ready for use immediately
run-in period: 1 day
The natural sea water is available in handy 10 litre canisters. The water is immediately ready for use and you can therefore fill it into the aquarium immediately after receipt.
preparation time: 1 day (salt water must stand for at least 20 h)
run-in time 1 day (recommended)
Required materials: Bucket,
sea salt
, distilled or osmosis water,
salt meter
If you make your own water, you should let the water run into the aquarium without jellyfish for about 3 – 4 weeks when you first fill it. In this way the desired bacteria are formed, which are necessary for the water quality and the survival of the jellyfish. See produce salt water
You can easily create your own seawater by mixing water with aquarium salt. For this you may not use any commercially available salt but only special >g id=”gid_0″> aquarium/ sea salt. For one liter of water, mix 30-35 grams of sea salt.
Make sure that you do not make the salt water with normal tap water. You may only use distilled or osmosis water for this purpose.
You can find an osmosis plant in our shop or in every common aquarium shop.
You can connect this to your water tap. The water that flows through is filtered of dirt particles, chlorine, dirt etc. and is now ideal for jellyfish keeping. Although tap water is clean and drinkable, it contains substances that are harmful to jellyfish.
Distilled water is also suitable to produce salt water. You can also find this at various dealers and in almost every hardware store.
Follow the dosage instructions on the salt package. give the salt 24h time to dissolve in water. It is very important that you only fill the water into the aquarium after the salt has completely dissolved.
The newly mixed water should also be at the same temperature as the water in the aquarium, to achieve this you can simply leave it in the same room. See Recommended water temperature
Now check the salt content. see check salt content
Add salt or water to achieve a salt content of between 30 and 35 g/L.
Carefully add the prepared salt water into the jellyfish tank. It is important that the filter balls are completely under water. Not all filter balls have to be in the aquarium. Only to below the level of the water surface (varies depending on the aquarium and the shape of the filter chamber).
You must use the following additives in salt water you have made yourself and in natural seawater:
A regular salt test is very useful to counteract imbalances in time. Here too, if the jellyfish behave normally and look healthy, this also speaks for good water values.
You can check the salt content with the help of a hydrometer, a refractometer or a hydrometer.
Duration salt content check: approx. 1 minute.
How to measure the salinity with a hydrometer:
If the salt content is too high, you will have to suck off some water and replace it with distilled or osmosis water.
If the salt content is too low, you must top up the evaporated water with new seawater.
In both cases it should ideally be done in small steps and over several days. Do not forget to check the salt content again after each step.
In principle, jellyfish adapt quickly to new temperatures. Normally room temperatures between 17 – 25C° are suitable for most jellyfish species. This is also where the usual room temperatures in residential buildings are found.
However, this varies from one jellyfish species to another. Therefore, when dealing with exotic jellyfish species, make sure you know what temperature is the right one. The requirements of the individual jellyfish species can be found in the description of the respective jellyfish.
If the temperature of the water needs to be adjusted, you can easily expand your jellyfish aquarium with a cooler or heater. All our aquariums have suitable external connections.
The strength of the current is also very important for any jellyfish aquarium. This can be easily adjusted using a lever or valve on the aquarium.
Basically it is recommended to have a rather weak current in the aquarium. The current should be just strong enough to keep the jellyfish gently moving and away from the ground.
A stronger current is required for some special jellyfish species. Blue blubbers, for example, like a rather strong current because they are active swimmers and therefore need a current against which they can swim.
Look out! If the current is too strong it could hurt the jellyfish.
If you only have a few food residues in the aquarium that you want to get rid of, you can simply aspirate them with a pipette and inject them back into the filter chamber.
Important: Make sure that you clean your hands and pipette thoroughly before doing so. Use none soap.
Over time, algae can form on the panes or food remains can collect on the bottom of the aquarium. You should remove this regularly to maintain optimum water quality
Depending on how dirty the aquarium is, we recommend cleaning the interior of the aquarium every 1 – 2 weeks.
Required materials:
You need a sponge that is suitable for aquariums and an algae magnet that is suitable for acrylic glass.
You will also need an aquarium hose and a bucket to collect the water you have sucked out. As well as fresh salt water to refill and if necessary new filter bacteria/ activated carbon bags.
Depending on the shape and size of your aquarium, you should get the right accessories from a specialist retailer to clean your aquarium properly.
Basically, we recommend to clean the inside of the aquarium directly instead of changing the water. Since a water change is carried out in any case during an internal cleaning afterwards, in order to compensate for the removed dirty water in the jellyfish aquarium.
However, if your aquarium is hardly dirty and you only want to change the water without cleaning, you will find the appropriate instructions for this in the following:
In a jellyfish aquarium you should change about 10 – 20% of the water every 1 – 2 weeks. This depends on how dirty your aquarium is and how much water you have. In warm temperatures, some of the water can evaporate, so you should also make sure that the water level stays the same. If too much water evaporates, the salt content increases. However, never change more than 50% of the water at once, and never more than 2 times a week.
Required materials:
You need a sponge that is suitable for aquariums and an algae magnet that is suitable for acrylic glass.
You will also need an aquarium hose and a bucket to collect the water you have sucked out. As well as fresh salt water to refill and if necessary new filter bacteria/ activated carbon bags.
Depending on the shape and size of your aquarium, you should get the right accessories from a specialist retailer to clean your aquarium properly.
If you need help or support with the cleaning of your aquarium, we are happy to offer you our maintenance service. Here we take over the construction or the care of your aquarium for you. learn more
If you always have a good and constant water quality and feed regularly and correctly, you usually do not have to worry about problems with your jellyfish.
Jellyfish consist of over 90% water. Therefore, water quality is the most important factor. As a rule, a small water change always helps if your jellyfish are not well.
Tip: Make sure to clean your hands and tools (pipette, plastic ladle) thoroughly before you take care of your jellyfish. Especially when the jellyfish are not well, it is important not to pollute the water unnecessarily.
In the following some help for individual cases:
Normally the air bubble will escape by itself due to the movement of the jellyfish. If this does not happen by itself after a while, you can remove the air bubble by hand. Hold the jellyfish carefully and turn it over (with its back down). Now you can use the feeding pipette to carefully spray water onto the bottom of the jellyfish again and again, so that the air bubble slowly disappears. Make sure that the pipette does not touch the jellyfish and that the jellyfish always remains under water. Sometimes it is enough to simply turn the jellyfish around.
Sometimes the jellyfish swim more slowly. This usually happens when they get used to the new jellyfish aquarium for the first time. If this is not the case, it is a sign that the quality of the water is poor. Make a water change and remove all deposits and dirt in the aquarium. Also make sure that the salinity and water temperature are correct.
This is also a sign of poor water quality. Now distribute the daily food dose into 2 daily portions. One in the morning and one in the evening. Carry out a water change of 50%. Additionally free the aquarium from all deposits and impurities. For this you can use the food pipette, an aquarium hose and an algae magnet. Also make sure that your jellyfish eat the food directly. Extra TIP: Additional water changes improve or guarantee a good health of the jellyfish. It is also important to remove food remains regularly.
Too much food in the water leads to bacterial growth. This makes the water in the aquarium cloudy. Reduce the amount of food and make sure that your aquarium is as clean as possible. Perform an additional 25% water change to reduce the turbidity of the water.
If for any reason the jellyfish should get stuck on the wall or floor, you should carefully remove it from the wall by hand or with the feeding pipette (splash under water, water on the jellyfish). If the jellyfish has been injured by this, a water change of 25% helps here, through which the jellyfish can regenerate better.
This is a sign that the salt content is too low. Make sure that the salt content is 30-35 g/L. Adjust the water accordingly to reach the specified values. It may take several hours for the jellyfish to regenerate and return to normal swimming. If you have just introduced your jellyfish into your aquarium for the first time, you must give the jellyfish at least 24 hours before they start to pulsate normally.
The jellyfish loses its natural tissue due to poor water quality. Change the water more often and make sure that the water has as little dirt and deposits as possible. Too much dirt damages the jellyfish’s tissue. Distribute now additionally the daily feed dose on 2 daily portions. Feeding the jellyfish more often and in smaller amounts reduces the amount of dirt in the aquarium and increases the amount of food the jellyfish actually eat. Extra TIP: A big water change can improve the water quality considerably.
This is normal and can sometimes happen, but will disappear after a while. The foam is created by organic molecules that stick to the water surface and produce foam. Should this happen, you can simply remove the foam with a spoon.
This is a normal reaction after feeding. It helps the jellyfish to eat their food.
This is also due to poor water quality caused by uneaten feed due to excessive feed dosages. Perform a 50% water change as soon as possible. Additionally free the aquarium from all deposits and impurities. Here you can use the feed pipette, an aquarium hose and an algae magnet.
Algae do not harm the jellyfish, but do not match the jellyfish aquarium optically. Use an aquarium sponge, cleaning cloth or algae magnet to remove the algae inside your aquarium. If the algae continue to spread uncontrollably, it is recommended to keep the aquarium away from excessive sunlight.
The salt content increases due to evaporation of the water. To prevent your aquarium from being outside the recommended salt content, you should pay attention to how much water is in your aquarium. You should always maintain the same water level. If evaporation is too high, this could mean adding new water to the aquarium more often.